Our Mission

Phenom Mission

Phenom aims to be the first truly community-driven poker site in existence. Created by players, for players and owned by the player community. That isn't meant just to be a catchy phrase though. Below we dive deeper into our core values and how we aim to be different.


Since the beginning of online poker, there has been a large wall separating the players from the operators. Only a select few know what's going on behind the scenes and players are left in the dark.

Phenom Poker is owned by the community and is mandated to keep the players informed and engaged on anything from our Product Roadmap to our Treasury and Token information and anything in between.

Players Have a Voice

We don't want Phenom Poker to just be the result of ideas from a few people. We want Phenom to be constantly evolving from ideas and desires of the community as a whole. Join the community to discuss anything.

  • Request a game or a feature
  • Propose governance
  • Be heard
Human vs Human

It's no secret that bots and RTA software are emerging problems in the online poker world. Sadly, many other sites have decided to turn a blind eye to these problems and have opted for higher profits over investing in solving this problem.

Our stance is we must protect the integrity of the game we love at all costs and keep poker a human vs human game.

We are committed to aggressively fighting any form of non-human behavior as well as any other form of cheating.

Commitment to Keep Poker Fun

One of the most beautiful things about poker is ANYONE can play. It's the great equalizer and ultimate social game. Whether you're an aspiring grinder/pro battling for millions or you just wanna play some occasional Dramadugi with friends - there should be a seat for you.

Our commitment is to do our part to keep the game environment FUN.

Our Blog

Phenom launch is around the corner

What an epic summer its been for Team Phenom! Our Ambassadors absolutely crushed! While we have been having fun tracking their summer’s while they gave us sweat after sweat, we’ve also been hard at work behind the scenes working to bring the next generation of online poker to a device near you.


Update: Initial Token Price Caps

Public Launch approaches! While we don’t have an exact date yet, we’ve been rigorously testing the platform and we are all very excited to bring Phenom Poker to the poker community. We’ve been humbled by the amount of interest and excitement the poker community has shown in this project. Every day we receive messages from people anxious for the arrival of Phenom Poker. At the time of this writing, there are now more than 3,400 people on the waitlist which continues to grow every day. We’ve also been busy building an extensive network of agents who can help bring players to the site. All of this is extremely exciting but it also introduces some scenarios that we need to make sure get accounted for.


A Deep Dive into the Phenom Token (PHNM)

We know there has been a lot of curiosity around the “Tokenomics” of the Phenom Tokens and we thought it would be a good opportunity to create some longer-form content around it. So in this post, we’ll discuss all the particulars of the token and we hope you find it helpful!

The Poker Revolution
is here
The world’s first poker site that makes every player an owner. Join the future of online poker now!